Biblioteca civica Gambalunga

Gambalunga Public Library

About the Library
The Gambalunga Library is one of the finest and most ancient public libraries to be found in Italy. It has its seat in the Palazzo Gambalunga, which was build by order of Alessandro Gambalunga in the year 1610. The library, was later-on donated by Alessandro Gambalunga to the City of Rimini, in 1617. At that time the library consisted 438 volumes and around 2000 works.
Today the rich collections of books, iconographic and documentary texts consist of 29.3879 books, among antique and new ones, and represent the most important deposit of the cultural heritage of the local community.
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Every last Saturday of the month, the Gambalunga Library offers the opportunity to visit the Ancient Rooms for free in the seventeenth-century Gambalunga palace, where it is possible to admire the most prestigious volumes and precious furnishings and discover treasures of refined elegance and curiosity of historical and cultural interest. Reservation is required  by writing an email to Admission is limited to 10 people at a time. 
The ancient rooms can be visited on request by individual visitors during the opening hours of the Library. A booklet-guide in Italian or English is made available to them for a tour on their own.
For guided tours for groups in foreign languages, please contact the City Museum, which can organise a tour for a fee within their availability (

Services available :
-books lending
-documents lending
-consultation of books, newspapers and magazines
-bibliography research and printing, online data bank, internet resources
-internet browsing, upon fee
-photo reproduction
-microfilm consultation and digitalization
-consultation of the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Official Gazzette)
-Room with 25 seats, for the consultation of ancient codes and manuscripts

Multimedia room with online databanks and resources, CD Roms, research assistance, bibliography consulting and information service.

How to access the service
-the library is open to all
-access to card holders or by exhibiting a personal id-card
-lending service to residents over 15 and students of the University of Rimini.
Card holders are given a password to can carry out online reservations of books.
The Library's treasures such as catalogues, prints and photos...are suitable on the Net.