Luminous nativity scene, decorations and Epiphany on the Bridge of Miracles

Rimini, the world's longest New Year's Eve

From Thursday 8 December to Friday 6 January 2023
Religious festivals

The bridge of the Resistance, where it is said that St. Anthony preached to the fish, is decorated throughout the Christmas period with scallops, a symbol of Christians, decorated with good wishes in different languages, a multicultural initiative in memory of Davide Farinella.
On the bridge there is a luminous nativity scene created by Salvatore Federici, with illuminated iron shapes. Here you can admire the Nativity in polychrome wood shaped by the Carlini Shipyard.
The highlight is January 6 with the representation of 'Epiphany on the Bridge', with the naval procession and the adoration of the Three Kings, along the canal port.
The initiative is curated by the Ponte dei Miracoli Association in collaboration with the Marineria di Rimini associations.


Ponte della Resistenza - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
