San Marino Adventures

San Marino Adventures, the largest adventure park in the small Republic of San Marino was opened in 2008. The park is located in the pine forest of Monte Cerreto, 4 minutes from the centre of San Marino, and 20 minutes from Rimini. It is one of the largest and best equipped parks; it has a large relaxation area with picnic gear, Snack Bar, Barbecue Area, Wi-Fi and of course the fantastic trails on the trees that offer fun and excitement for everyone. Indeed 16 trails up to 20 metres in height!

There are 6 trails for children, "Baby Bear", Scooby Doo, "Rambo", "Indiana Jones", "Titan" and "Ninja", designed to stimulate motor skills (coordination, balance, agility, etc.), and perceptual abilities (attention, concentration, memory); play, fun, adventure and nature all combined, enabling the child/teenager to socialise and measure their own ability and compete with others.

There are also 10 trails for adults, "Niagara", "Adrenaline", "Adventure", "Panorama", "Maximum Overdrive", "Inferno", "Chimera" "Lost" and "Rock School K2" extremely varied and surprising, suitable for adults of all ages, which allow you to experience an adventurous day in nature, enjoying the forest canopy circuits that connect trees with bridges, cables, nets and walkways.

For the more adventurous, these trails have been created: "Nightmare", "Inferno" and "Chimera." Chimera is a very difficult variant with horizontal ladder and also the Nepalese bridge, the Spiderman web and passage with asymmetric swinging logs. Inferno is a trail which puts a strain on your ability to balance and strength to reach the super 280 metre pulley flying over the whole park: only for experienced users. San Marino Adventures also offers an amazing connectivity between the various adult trails, with the possibility to switch from one to another and to “invent” new exciting trail combinations “without ever getting off down” for more than 70 passages! Only for the more daring among us.

San Marino Adventures is not only adventures among the trees; it also offers: "Lost" a paramilitary ground trail which reproduces marine style training in 500 metres immersed in forest, with typical passages such as: a horizontal ladder, liana jump, climbing the vertical wall, ground crawling and more ... in a breathtaking race against time (also with time trial)! "Climbing Wall K2" sport climbing panel 10 metres high which requires physical and mental concentration.

Upon request, it is possible to attend courses at the "Rock Climbing School". For your children and time to relax, activities are certainly not in short demand with "Playground Area" – a recreation area for the whole family and Inflatables and "Relax Area" – a quiet area to relax or cool off at the "Bar Adventures", with the possibility to connect to the wireless internet.

Thanks to the latest generation equipment, including mountaineering harness, helmet, pulley and gloves, we give very young, young and not so young people the chance to enjoy themselves on rope bridges, nets, Tyrolean traverses and every kind of suspended game in total safety.

The activity begins with a briefing lasting approximately a quarter of an hour in which the instructors first teach users how to use the equipment properly, and how to proceed with safety; then they subject users to a practical test reproducing situations similar to ones found on the trails.

Info: via Monte Cerreto, Santa Mustiola, Repubblica di San Marino - Tel. +39 335 7344140  - -
Info Line Ticket Office +39 0541 53399