
Oltremare is an experience that involves all the senses through the wonders of nature. Here there is one of the largest dolphinariums in Europe with aA completely renovated show starring the little Zeus (new star of the lagoon), the mom Blue, Ulysses, Cleo, Candy and Pele. Many are the interactive programs such as "meets the dolphins", "trainer, what a passion" and "falconer, what a passion".
In large Planet Sea environment, completely dedicated to the Adriatic sea and the giants that populate it, six large pools lead the visitor into a real "underwater journey" to discover the marine species that live in the depths.
In the Park it is also possible to visit the largest exhibition of seahorses in the world, and within "Darwin", under a dome made of glass and steel, you can breathe the atmosphere of a prehistoric environment perfectly rebuilt thanks to the latest technology.

Oltremare also proposes a reproduction of the Po Delta, where, among the huts and traditional fishing scales, moves a world populated by freshwater fish, waterfowls as storks and herons, reptiles and amphibians.
"Adventure Island" is a large children's play area with the group of InPikkiata slides, the exciting "Birds of Prey Flight," the children's show Happy Farm, the new musical "The island that was not there."
In the large IMAX theater are prijected movies in 3-D on the mysteries of the animal world. 

Info: Oltremare S.r.l. via Ascoli Piceno, 6 - Riccione (Rimini) - Tel.+39.05414271 info@oltremare.org - www.oltremare.org/eng/
Info Line Ticket Office +39 0541 53399