Piccolo Mondo Antico Festival 2018

Between East and West, dialogues in time - XX edition

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October 2018
Multiple Events

Piccolo Mondo Antico Festival offers to children and young people new proposals, related to the theme : BETWEEN EAST AND WEST, DIALOGUES IN TIME.
Drawing inspiration from the celebrations for the anniversary of the death of Sigismondo Malatesta, it analyses the relationships between oriental and western culture through the centuries, starting from prehistory. Proposals always declined in the name of creativity and fun; a narration that can not be separated from experience and multi-sensory involvement.
Theater of these experiences are the Museum of the City and the Domus del Chirurgo.
Depending on school commitments, the program reserves the morning of Friday 12th to several events addressed to the various school orders.
Saturday 13th, is dedicated to the fascinating meeting with the legionaries whereas during the whole day of Sunday 14th you can book the most suitable activities in relation to age and to personal interests.


Museo della Città 'Luigi Tonini, via Tonini 1, Domus del Chirurgo, piazza Ferrari - Rimini historic centre
