Luigi Tonini

Luigi Tonini, historian (1807-1874)

He has been defined "master and father of Rimini’s history”. Luigi Tonini was an historian, bibliophile, promoter of excavation, fond of epigraphy and numismatics, and during his whole life he carried out cultural activities.

He lived in Rimini where he wanted to rebuild the civil and sacred history in his city through liberation of legends and superstitions in order to tie the city to the Italian historical and cultural framework.
He was part of the civil society as city councilor, high school teacher and as founder of the bank, Cassa di Risparmio.

Luigi Tonini was director of the City Library entitle to 'Gambalunga' from 1840 until his death, and he had an important role in the foundation of the City Museum in 1872, which now bears his name.
In the courtyard of the Gambalunga palace, he created an archaeological gallery where works and documents were exhibited in memory of the glorious past of the city

Luigi Tonini also wrote the first Rimini guide, published in 1864 and addressed to the 'foreigners', but also to citizens of Rimini to discover their roots.