Roman bridge of San Vito

After the completion, in October 2022, of the redevelopment works in the area around the remains of the Roman bridge in San Vito, the historical and archaeological site is now accessible to all, thanks to an intervention aimed at combining usability and environmental sustainability.
The bridge is thought to have been built by Emperor Augustus on the ancient Via Emilia to cross the current river Uso. The riddle remains unsolved whether the river in question was in fact Julius Caesar's Rubicon. As a matter of fact, the Roman bridge over the Uso river has always been at the center of various "diatribes", but for Rimini historians the historical Rubicon, that of ‘the die is cast’ by Julius Caesar, was the Use.
The redevelopment project of the bridge in San Vito, also includes a new flooring that enhances the ancient stretch of the Via Emilia, which from the churchyard of the Church of Saints Vito and Modesto leads to the area of ​​the bridge, with a lighting system that allows it to be visited even at night. The circular route allowes to join the ruins of the bridge, the ancient route of the Via Emilia and the Uso river, thus enhancing the historical role of the archaeological site and the links with the territorial elements.