Cartoon Club 2020, from 15th to 19th July in Rimini the XXXVI edition of the Festival of Comics

Published on: 1 July 2020

The live event will take place from Wednesday 15 to Sunday 19 July in the historic center of Rimini between the Augustinian district, the City Museum, the Art Space Augeo and San Giuliano cloister, with video installations by Eron in open air spaces.
On the digital channels of Cartoon Club, even the public who cannot physically reach Rimini will have the opportunity to see over 300 short films in competition, live streaming meetings with directors, designers, screenwriters, journalists.

Carton Club 2020 will add, from July to December, a special format that will combine live and online events, guaranteeing the same quality and creativity that have always distinguished the Festival.

This year the Cartoon Club poster is created by a great signature, Eron. The street artist created the work "Boat and flowers", just  for Cartoon Club, and now it is the image of the 36th edition.

