In Rimini a week of "Terror" for Halloween. Check out all the appointments

Published on: 25 October 2019

The scariest night of the year is approaching and, whether you are a vampire or a werewolf, Rimini is the right place to celebrate Halloween.
The thrill of terror for the night of the witches begins, Sunday 27 October, at the ‘Museo degli Sguardi’ on the Covignano hill. Starting at 5:00pm, with ‘Halloween at the Museum’, stories of terror from Mexico for children from 6 to 10 years old . Then Maria Rossi (South American) and Armida Loffredo (singer) will present the ‘Tales of Horror of Quiroga’ (free on reservation +39 329 1473098).

Stories of terror also by the Volunteer Readers of "Wednesday ... stories in the library" that on October 30, at the Gambalunga Library, will read "Stories of witches". From 4.30pm to 5.10pm stories for children from 3 to 5 years; from 5.20pm to 6.00pm stories for children from 6 years (Info:

In the night between the two worlds, Piccolo Mondo Antico Festival returns with a special edition dedicated to Halloween. To celebrate the scariest day of the year, little fearless adventurers will be challenged in courageous trials in the halls of the City Museum. The program proposes three appointments: At 5.00pm "Magical Halloween Pumpkins" for children from 3 to 6 years, at 9.00 pm "The Museum of Fear" and "The night when the impossible becomes possible", for children aged 7 years. Each of the events will take place in different ways, including routes, treasure hunts and team games (5 euros, reservations required: +39 0541.704428 / 0541.704415 from 9.00am to 2.00pm from Monday to Friday; Saturday, Sunday and Thursday 31 October starting from 4.00 pm, tel. 0541.793851).
On October 31st two guided tours, at 3.30 pm and 8.45 pm with departure from the Tiberius bridge, will lead to the discovery of the mysteries of Rimini. Strange beings, legends and timeless fairy tales will be revealed, thanks to the stories of Gianni Rodari and other storytellers, walking through the streets of the city in a path designed for the youngest. In the evening, torture, mysterious and legendary presences, miracles and even the burning of a 'witch' in Piazza Tre Martiri. Visits also Friday 1 and Saturday 2 November (INFO: +39 333-4844496
In Fiabilandia, from 3 pm until 10 pm on Thursday, you can attend the Horror Circus Show dedicated to adults and children, with clowns, acrobats and artists directly from the afterlife. Walking through mummies, coffins and cobwebs, you will be able to listen to the most gloomy music played by the Zombie Band that will perform throughout the day. The party will continue also in the following days and the young ghosts, zombies and vampires, will return to celebrate also on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd November from 10.30am to 5.30. (INFO)
Even ‘Italia in Miniatura’ is invaded by spider webs, bats and threatening pumpkins. On October 31st, among colossal skeletons, small hidden horrors and thrilling animation, it will be possible to take part in the “Dolcetto o scherzetto” event in the most “Great / Small” park in Italy, where a sea of sweets will rain. At 2.30 pm it will be possible to participate in the "Create your maracas" workshop and build colorful themed maracas to celebrate Hallowen in pure Dia de Muertos Mexican style.
Even the following days the park will be bewitched by frightening fun, from 10am to 4pm on Friday and Saturday, professional make-up artists will transform into "not-dead" adults and children, in the more festive Zombie Parade to the rhythm of the Zombie Band. (INFO)
But the "scary fun" will be the protagonist of all the theme parks, so Oltremare, the Cattolica aquarium and Mirabilandia will be haunted by witches, zombie parades and events dedicated only to brave adults.