Bike Sharing

“C’entro in bici”( In the centre by bike) - the project which makes it possible to move in a practical and environmentally friendly way in Rimini.
The project is ideated by Assessorato all’Ambiente per il Piano di Azione Ambientale (the Department of the Environment) and was approved by the Province of Rimini and the Region EmiliaRomagna who has co-financed the initiative.
The project consists in automatic bike hires located in different parts of the city. The initiative aims to be an opportunity to who reached the city (in car, train, bus) to use the bicycle for moving in Rimini centre.

How it works
To use the bicycle you need a key (mechanical or electronic) which is delivered by filling in the request form at the information office URP in Rimini historic centre.
Upon delivery of the key is required to pay a deposit (which will be given back when you return the key).
With the same key system you can hire bicycles in many other Italian cities.

The Bike sharing project, operating since summer 2008, has during the years increased the service – now there are 148 bikes available in 16 racks. See map 

For detailed information, please call the information office Urp, tel. +39 0541 704704

