On 3rd July the kick off for the Pink Night, the Notte Rosa 10th edition

Hundreds of events from dusk to dawn in the name of the claim "I'mpossible", as only here, along the Adriatic Riviera, everything becomes magically possible

Published on: 20 March 2015

The appointment with the tenth edition of the Pink Night, a sort of midsummer “New Year’s Eve Party”, is in the first weekend of July. From sunset on Friday and for the entire weekend, the 110 km coastline from the beaches of Comacchio to Cattolica, with the beating heart in Rimini, hundreds of events come to life, with concerts in the squares, beach parties, shows, entertainment for kids, restaurants, shops and museums open till late at night and the main monuments “dressed” in pink light. At midnight on the dot, all the coastline lights up as if it was daylight, due to the fireworks that are one of the most awaited moments of this magical night.

The theme of the tenth anniversary of the Italian Summer’s New Year Eve is magic, a long night of celebration and fun for everyone in the name of the claim "l’mpossible”  - what seems impossible elsewhere, it is possible here.

The Pink Night, since its first edition in the summer 2006, is realized by a teamwork which involves 12 municipalities and four provinces along the Adriatic Coast, that together with private operators create an event that brings annually million of tourists.

The official image of the Notte Rosa 2015, created by the art director Marco Morosini,  symbolizes the charm and wonder of this long night of fun, music, friendship and desire to stay together: two pink penguins, "hand in hand” on a sunny beach on the Riviera, become the symbol of Romagna, a magical place where you can do what is impossible elsewhere. That reminds to the magic of an unusual situation, but also to the feelings and the passion of the people of Romagna. Also the claim “I’mpossible” refers to the magic of  a wordplay, which turns the impossible into something real. Only here on the Adriatic coast everything is possible.

The atmosphere of magic will continue in the following days when Rimini will host, from 6th to 11th July, the World Championships of Magic. During these days, 5000 magicians from around the world will perform in front of an international jury composed by the greatest protagonists in the field of magic.

Info: www.lanotterosa.it