Rimini presents 'Antico/Presente - Festival del Mondo Antico', the Festival of the Ancient World

XXIII edition: 'crossing bridges', the two thousand years of the Tiberius bridge

from 7 to 25 July and on 22 September 2021
Multiple Events

A festival of conferences, meetings and shows, now in its 23rd edition, which will focused on the Ponte di Tiberio, on the occasion for the celebrations for its 2000 years of construction (between 14 and 21 AD). The events will be featured in an innovative organization formula, with several summer events in the months of July and held outdoors. Evening events will start on July 7, including the theatrical meeting with Daniel Pennac ‘Dal sogno alla scena’, on Saturday 17, and they will be held in several locations such as the Lapidario Garden at the City Museum and the amazing Piazza sull’Acqua, near the bridge of Tiberius; here, also two events of the Tiberio 2000 program will take place, articulated in shows, lives, sound landscapes and digital narratives, organized in partnership with the Laboratorio Aperto Rimini Tiberio.
In addition to the initiatives for adults, Piccolo Mondo Antico Festival is aimed at the youngest with new proposals, related to the theme of the edition, and with already tested events. This year there are also performances of street theater and puppet shows together with the popular historical re-enactments by the Legio XIII Gemina-Rubico association.
All events are free-of-charge, but itis necessary to book in advanced at this link: www.ticketlandia.com/m/eventSubList/musei-rimini/1594


Rimini, Roman lapidary at the City Museum, via Tonini 1 and the square on the water at Tiberius brodge
free upon reservation

Additional information

The event is organized by the Municipality of Rimini - Department of Culture - Municipal Museums with the Emilia - Romagna Region and with the publishing company "Il Mulino", with the collaboration of the Superintendency of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì -Cesena and Rimini. For some appointments also with the collaboration of the "Laboratorio Aperto Rimini Tiberio".