The Surgeon’s House

Published on: 29 January 2015

7th December 2007: the archaeological site of the Surgeon’s Domus has opened to the public. An archaeological site that came to light from the darkness of the centuries in the heart of the city. A success that makes it one of the main cultural attractions of Rimini. The important of the archaeological discovery depends above all on the richest surgical and pharmaceutical equipment of the Roman time that archaeologists have found here.
A suggestive scenery with more than 2000 years of history in a setting designed with the most modern museum exhibition critieria, that now is already known all around the world.
The archaeological area is of 700 square meters and contains the remains of the house of the surgeon who worked in Ariminum during the third century. Here the surgeon’s equipment was unearthed and now it is kept in the nearby museum.
The excavation is now protected by an architectural work offering an interesting view to those who pass-by. The structure is integrated into the urban space of the Piazza Ferrari’s garden: inside a transparent system of suspended ways over the ancient structures allow visitors an easy reading of the excavation. Being the Domus situated next to the city museum, the visit to the site becomes an integral part of it.
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