Sand cribs on Rimini beach

Published on: 9 January 2017

Till the middle of January in Rimini you can still visit extraordinary nativity scenes made of sand in the wonderful setting of the sea in winter time. The charm and poetry of the Nativity is always vivid and not subject to the wear of time.  If you have not seen them yet, you have time till 15th January to visit the Nativity scene on the beach in Torre Pedrera (beach 64 - 65) and till 22nd January for the Sand Crib in Marina Centro, harbour area.

Sand Crib in Marina Centro
till 22nd January 2017
Rimini Marina Centro, piazzale Boscovich (harbour area)
A suggestive Nativity in Rimini harbour area
On the beach, in one of the most characteristic areas of Rimini Marina, the harbour area, it is possible to admire a suggestive Holy Nativity made of sand, which covers a large area next to the Christmas village and the ice skating rinks.
For more than one month the beach of Marina Centro will host a Christmas route among life sized sandy sculptures made by a team of sand artists. It is one of the biggest Sand Nativity Scenes in Italy with sand sculptures up to 4.5 meters of height, which meanders along a path of 45 meters, for a real show of contemporary art. The theme of 2016 is "God in the world - The 7 Wonders", with the representation of the main cathedrals in the world.
The visits are accompanied by the staff who will explain the construction details and the various themes of the route.
Opening: Monday to Friday: 2.30 pm - 7 pm; Saturday and Sunday: 9.30 am - 10 pm
Entrance: € 2 - free for children under 120 cm of height

Sand Crib in Torre Pedrera
till 15th January 2017
Rimini Torre Pedrera, beach area 64 - 65
A Holy Nativity on the beach 
For the 10th consecutive year, the beach in Torre Pedrera hosts a suggestive Sand Crib which proposes the theme of the Nativity with life-size sculptures created with great skill by international artists of the sand. An amazing route will lead visitors up to the Nativity surrounded by local monuments, arts and crafts. A suggestive big sculpture on the beach, which can be seen from afar, will indicate the entrance to the Sand Crib.
Next to the crib,  the traditional handicraft market and a series of events will liven up the Christmas holidays. The initiative is organised by the Tourist Committee in Torre Pedrera.
Opening: every day 9.30 am – 12.30 pm / 2.30 pm – 6.30 pm. Entrance on free offer

Info and holidays packages: +39 0541.53399 Tourist information Offices