Rimini wears the ‘Maglia Rosa’ (pink jersey). The Giro d'Italia stops in the city of Fellini

Published on: 26 October 2019


Rimini wears pink, that of the Giro d'Italia, the main Italian cycling event for 103 years, an identity event for Italy and this year for the City of Fellini. The 11th leg will be dedicated to the Maestro of cinema, on the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of his birth on May 20, 2020. The " Fellini leg", from Sant 'Elpidio to Rimini, will not be the only one to coast along the Romagna sea. The next day will be the turn of Cesenatico-Cesenatico where the runners will face the path that is normally called the "Nove Colli". A week full of side events, organized for the occasion, will welcome the many enthusiastic fans.
More than 30 years after the last time, Rimini is approaching this event full of enthusiasm in an increasingly bike friendly territory, including infrastructures and services designed not only for athletes and champions but also for enthusiasts.
ComuneCiclabile for the FIAB (Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle), Rimini ensures 120 km of cycle paths that make the urban area easy for those who want to experience the city by bike, whether to coast the sea or to cross the millennial Tiberius bridge, to stop for an aperitif in the historic center or escape to the hinterland along the bed of the Marecchia river.
In addition there will be the facilities designed for Bikers, from the Bike Park located close to the train station and which provides a rental, storage, mechanical and informative assistance for travelers on two wheels.
Gathered in two associations, Rimini Bike Hotels (www.riminibikehotels.com) and Consorzio Terrabici (www.terrabici.com/it), the receptive structures of Rimini assure their guests services dedicated to cyclists, from the rental to the repair of the two wheels, passing from the menus designed to best face long rides, up to tours and guided tours.
The guided tours are the main attraction for guests who want to travel by bike. Between the ups and downs of its hinterland and the always illuminated seafront, between the places of history and those of good food, Rimini is a place to discover with its own rhythms. Whether it's a BMX, a mountain bike or a graziella, every bike has its own track in Romagna and every fan its tour.
You don't need to be a champion or an agonist as many operators, such as Bike Tour Rimini (www.biketourrimini.it) and Emotion Bike Emilia Romagna (www.emotion-bike.it), allow you to rent electric bikes that help you to tackle the climbs and the long rides and at the same time offer thematic tours that range from food and wine, like WineTour, to historical-artistic itineraries in the millenary villages of the hinterland.
These thousands of possibilities are reserved for those who want to experience Romagna by bike, the variety of its territory and not least the proverbial hospitality of its people, to be attractors of major events dedicated to the sector and of which the stage of the Giro d'Italia is important but not the only example. Rimini in fact has been the stage for the most important Italian event dedicated to the world of cycling for two years, the Italian Bike Festival (bikevents.com/italian-bike-festival), a party that allows visitors to discover the market novelties, having fun off-road and getting to know the champions of sports on two wheels.