Rimini capital of music in 2015

Among the stars Eros Ramazzotti, Ligabue, Caparezza, Carmen Consoli, Fedez, Irene Grandi, Annalisa on exclusive dates and world premieres

Published on: 28 January 2015

Rimini becomes the capital of music in 2015 with world premieres and exclusive dates by great artists such as Eros Ramazzotti, Ligabue, Caparezza, Carmen Consoli and the rapper Fedez who will be on stage at 105 Stadium, while the singer song-writer Irene Grandi will perform in the month of May at the Novelli Theatre.

The most prestigious names in the Italian music field, such as Ramazzotti and Ligabue, have chosen the 105 Stadium to kick off of their national and international tours that will bring them at the center of the music scene during 2015. These two artists enrich the calendar of great performances scheduled at the 105 Stadium that already boasts live concerts by the Italian singer songwriters Caparezza and Carmen Consoli and the “zero” date of the Italian rapper Fedez's new tour on scheduled Thursday 19th March, always at the 105 Stadium. Rimini will also host the new theatre tour by Irene Grandi on stage at the Novelli Theatre on 9th May.

The highlight of 2015 is on Saturday 12th September, when Eros Ramazzotti debuts at 105 Stadium with a preview of his brand new 'World Tour', a tour of 23 dates that will see him on stage in arenas and stadiums of the main cities in Italy and in the world.
The Roman singer, with 30-year career and 60 million records, is back on the international stage starting right from Rimini, where the public will have the opportunity to attend the preview concert of one of the main artists in Italian and worldwide music field.

Great expectation also for the two dates of concert by the Italian rocker Ligabue, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd March, the only dates in the Romagna region.  “Liga” is back in Rimini, after twelve years of absence, with the third part of the his “Mondovisione Tour”.
The great energy by the rocker from Correggio will be on stage at the 105 Stadium with his latest album, "Mondovisione", which has given the title to the tour: five times platinum award and as the best-selling album in Italy in 2013. During the two hours of concert, great rock music and a performance from a circular stage of more than twenty meters giving a visibility of 180 degrees.

Saturday 14th March it is the turn of another myth of Italian music: Caparezza, who has chosen Rimini to present his tour “Museica” as the only date in Romagna. It is a second tranche of the tour, completely renovated in the lineup and setting by the artist. "Museica" marks a change in the musical creation by Caparezza, and it is inspired by the art world, where every song is linked to a painting.

Thursday 19th March  Fedez arrives at 105 Stadium Rimini: the rapper and singer-songwriter who also has chosen Rimini as the zero date of his tour, “Pop-Hoolista”, which is also title of his fourth album. Fedez manages once again to catch the public's tastes, experiencing both contents, sounds and styles through a melting up of musics: punk, electronic and reggae, but especially the classics of singer-songwriters.

Friday 24th April, Rimini welcomes the return of Carmen Consoli with her guitar. On stage at 105 Stadium, she will propose her new album entitled ''L'abitudine di tornare', released in January, 5 years after the album “Elettra”. According to rumors, in this new album Carmen Consoli seems to go back to the basics of sound and song structures but with a surprising freshness and irony.

At the Novelli Theatre in Rimini Irene Grandi will perform on Saturday 9th May. She is back on tour in theatres - after the successful tour with Stefano Bollani. It is a concert by a great artist, revealing a new Irene, great writer and refined performer. For the first time Irene will participate in the Italian Song Festival in Sanremo with a song written by herself, ‘Un vento senza nome ‘. It is a ballad, very intense, with a text that touches lightly a very timely topic, the story of a woman who changes her life, leaving behind a situation that does not belong to her anymore.

On Wednesday 13th May the Novelli Theatre also hosts another concert held by the Italian artist Annalisa. Annalisa has got a great success of public on the occasion of the recent Sanremo song Festival with “Una finestra tra le stelle”, written by Kekko Silvestre. The song is in the first places among the singles and it is one of the most trasmitted on radio. In the new tour, Annalisa proposes her repertoire together with the new songs from her latest album, SPLENDE, which also includes the song presented in Sanremo. As always she is surprising and beloved for what stands beyond her music: the rock, the energy and her way of performing on stage.

The calendar of concerts at 105 Stadium www.stadiumrimini.net  - at Novelli Theatre www.teatroermetenovelli.it
Advance sales online www.ticketone.it  
Info: Pulp Concerti +39 0541 785708
Info: 105 Stadium +39 0541 395698