More space, more time, more services: this is how Rimini beach will be this summer

Published on: 27 May 2020

Larger spaces on the beach, up to 18 square meters for each umbrella, a safe space for spending time, an even more welcoming beach to enjoy until late in the evening.

This is what the seaside ordinance of Rimini Municipality provides for this summer: a truly 'open space' beach, which focuses on well-being and protection. A beach that will expand in time and space, with the possibility of having extended services even at dinner and with a spacing between umbrellas which, thanks to the vastness of the Rimini beach, few others in Italy can offer.

Among the innovations that will change life on the beach this year are the extended opening hours of the bathing establishments, which will allow customers to stay and use the services at least until 10:00pm. The evening opening combines the need to ensure greater availability of outdoor spaces with the opportunity to increase the tourist offer and the services available to bathers, so as, for example, to have a chance to stop also for dinner.

And to encourage this type of service, the meal under the umbrella on the beach, the ordinance for the new bathing season allows public services, restaurants and similar to deliver food to customers on the beach. This will reduce possible gatherings indoors and increase the permanence outdoors, in compliance with hygiene, health and safety standards. Plates, glasses and other items used for the delivery service must be made of disposable material, paper, or other washable plastic material.

As a matter of fact Rimini does'nt only pay attention to the health of its guests with a rigorous sanitation plan on deckchairs, umbrellas and toilets, but also to the health of the beach itself which is plastic free since 2019. In the same spirit is the ban on smoking on the shoreline, already introduced in the past season. A measure to ensure the well-being of non-smokers and at the same time to reduce the presence of cigarette butts on the shoreline.

In accordance with its welcoming spirit, Rimini does not forget the importance of the ‘four-legged’ family members. Even dogs will be able to live with their "relatives" on the beach of Rimini: special beach resorts are equipped just for them and in some of them, they can also have a swim in specific stretches of water (from 6am to 8am and from 7.00pm to 9.00pm). We remember tha access to beach and bathing services is allowed only to dogs registered at the beach resorts.

Also free beaches can be used safely thanks to the plan prepared for them. Information panels, signs, highlighted paths on the sand and walkways on the wider free beaches (near Piazzale Boscovich or in Miramare at the Colonia Bolognese), will help bathers to be acquainted with the rules and maintain a safe behavior. On the free beaches the municipality of Rimini provides daily cleaning and periodic sanitation of the toilets (if any), while beach stewards will be at disposal for any information or support.

Avoid crowding and maintain social distancing is the most important prevention measure to be used both while positioning your equipment on the free beaches (put one's umbrellas, towels, sunbeds, deckchairs etc. at least 5 meters away from your neighbors), and in keeping at least 1 meter away from those who are not part of one's family.  In case this is not possibe, bathers have to use a mask.  
Even when swimming in the sea it is necessary to mantain distancing. Beach games and sports activities are allowed only in dedicated spaces and always maintaining interpersonal distancing.
Other two main rules to follow are: not go to the beach if you have symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, cough, cold...) and to sanitize your hands often.

Stay safe and enjoy your stay!