Marecchia Sailing Cup 2019

Published on: 26 July 2019

On August 4th, fifth edition of the Marecchia Sailing Cup.
An event, unique in its kind, which is based on eco-sustainability, respect for the environment and the enhancement of the territory.
The only way to compete and reach the goal is to build a boat with your team.
Using only recycled and non-polluting materials and decorating it in the most bizarre ways possible.
In addition to the theme of recycling, re-use is extremely important: great ingenuity and creativity are needed to transform what is considered waste into something completely new and functioning.
That's why in addition to the “speed” award for the first boat to cross the finish line, there is also the “barcaccia” one for the most beautiful and ingenious boat, assigned by a special jury.
Starting point from the free beach of San Giuliano and arrive at the Seasun beach in Rivabella, after an incursion into the Marecchia river up to the first bridge.
At 6.30pm start of the regatta and everything will culminate with a great party: free mussels and wine for all those present and live music with the band Ludovico Van and Duo Bucolico.