'Frecce Tricolori' in Rimini on Sunday 1st September

Published on: 27 August 2019

On Sunday 1st September, at 3.00 pm a rich program will begin on Rimini beach. Round 5.00 pm the National Aerobatic Team will performe with its spectacular repertoire in the sky of Rimini Riviera.

A rich air show that will be open at 3.00pm by the rescue helicopter HH 139 AM of the '15th Stormo di Cervia' which in front of the beach of the Grand Hotel in Rimini will drop the national flag while the notes of the National anthem will resound throughout the coast.
To follow, a very special flight dedicated to fly therapy that will carry people with disabilities. Then it will be the turn of two acrobatic planes piloted by Paolo Sapignoli from Rimini, a civilian pilot of the Norvegian Airline, and the captain of the air force Davide Borghi.
Then the launch of the paratroopers, including the 75 year-old Renzo Carlini from Rimini and the exhibition of an ultralight helicopter piloted by Mauro Antongiovanni and accompanied by the sound of a violin.
Another acrobatic flight,with  a CAP 10 plane piloted by Pierluigi Zito will follow and then the overflights of Corrado Spagna's Tiger Moth, a historic biplane built in the 1930s that seems to have been used for the film “La my Africa ”whose soundtrack will accompany the flight.

The prelude to the expected final will be an acrobatic flight by the three Yak 52s (Team "Yak Italia") piloted by the three veterans Carlo Mariani, Lorenzo Pesaresi, Davide Borghi and finally, at 5.00pm, from Cervia Air base, the planes of the National Acrobatic Patrol, the legendary FRECCE TRICOLORI that  will perform for the pleasure of the public for about half an hour.
On Friday, August 30th general rehearsals of the show can be watched  in the sky at around 4.00pm, with a reduced program but with the complete performance of the Frecce Tricolori.

"Rimini Air Show 2019", organized by the Aero Club Ancona under the patronage of the Municipality of Rimini, will have its core in the beach area of ​​Marina Centro (Grand Hotel), in particular between the port and piazzale Marvelli, but it will be enjoyable from most of the the beaches in Rimini.

Traffic info: from 3pm to 7pm on Friday 30 August and from 2pm to 7pm on Sunday 1 September, the Tintori promenade will be totally and temporarily closed to the traffic, in the sectionnear the Grand Hotel roundabout and viale Colombo. Parking is forbidden from 8.00am on 30 August to 8.00pm on Sunday 1 September in the same areas.