From Easter, in Romagna, the amusement parks open for the season 2023

Published on: 5 April 2023

The Parks of the Riviera are ready to reopen to color the spring long weekends and start the 2023 season.

Since early March the attractions of Fiabilandia have already been switched on and from Easter onwards the playground designed for the little ones, but not only, have opened its door to the public with the magical castle, the roller coasters that whiz between the "valley of the gnomes" and "Castoria", the labyrinths, the fairy places and shows, from the Western entertainment to the Fiaby Circus. The park remains open for the weekends in April and long weekends in spring, from about 10am to 6pm. Info:

Italia in Miniatura officially reopens from April 
The park, founded in 1970, pays homage to the most beautiful country in the world with over 300 miniatures of monuments from Italy and Europe, such as the Milan Cathedral, the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, the Tower of Pisa but also the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Atomium in Brussels. Each city and square is set in a dream landscape among 5,000 real miniature trees, little trains whizzing up and down the peninsula, from the Alps to the Islands, waterways, waterfalls and bridges.
And then Venice, navigable on a gondola like the real one; the Old Sawmill for a breathtaking descent aboard logs, the Monorail, the suspended train that travels in mid-air. The phantasmagorical tale of Pinocchio is a colorful journey in search of the famous puppet, the Paese dei Balocchi and the Blue Fairy. At Italia in Miniatura everything is done to interact: Interactive Driving School, Castel Sismondo, Esperimenta, Piazza Italia with its bells to ring. Among the park's most colorful attractions are the Pappamondo with its colorful parrots and the super fun Play Mart, where the little ones play in freedom and safety, diving among multicolored balls. With a small supplement, you can access Cinemagia7D and AreAvventura. The park has picnic areas and indoor dining options. Info and tickets online at

At the Aquarium of Cattolica sharks, penguins and from 1 April dinosaurs and giant insects
Great news with four indoor and one outdoor paths, home to over 3,000 animals of 400 different species including fish, reptiles, mammals and penguins and two major new exhibitions: The World of Dinosaurs and Giant Insects, XXL Edition. In the World of Dinosaurs you will come face to face with a Tyrannosaurus Rex and many other Jurassic protagonists. Located outside, it offers 13 hyper-realistic reproductions of dinosaurs and an excavation area for children. The second new entry is the "Giant Insetti, XXL Edition" exhibition, in the Viola itinerary. For every human being there are from 20 to 2000 kg of insects that live at almost all latitudes and temperatures: the exhibition explores the reasons for their success and their characteristics with reproductions that magnify them from 20 to 200 times. We continue on the covered paths: the Blue entrance is a journey under the surface of the water around the world, with the largest bull sharks in Italy and thousands of fish, jellyfish, seahorses, moray eels, stingrays and the very fun penguins, among which the three puppies Pinguetta, Becchetto and Piumino. In the entrance Yellow, otters, caimans and the alligator turtle tell the story of river ecosystems. Green is the color of the pavilion which houses snakes, lizards, amphibians and curious insects. Twice a day penguins and otters, three times a week sharks and stingrays are fed. The Plastifiniamola areatestifies the Aquarium's commitment to the environment. The Extraordinary Encounters are also back, appointments by reservation where the public can choose between Behind the Scenes and The Secrets of the Reptile House to venture into the mysteries of nature and the backstage of the largest aquarium in the Adriatic.
Info and online ticket office on the website

Oltremare - Adventure, nature, events
At the Oltremare Family Experience Park, everyone composes their own palette of emotions and knowledge, among animals and large green spaces. It begins with the Adventure Passport, offered free to every family, to be filled with the many colored stamps conquered in the park areas. Whoever completes it gets a reward: an Oltremare gadget and a photo with the Ulysses mascot, Italy's funniest dolphin. The colored stickers can be purchased in the ultra-blue Laguna di Ulisse, among the dolphins that the public learns to know and respect; on the green lawn of the Arena dei Rapaci, admiring hawks, buzzards, owls and griffins, which intrigue the public with the skilled falconers, or in the newness of the Rainbow Flight with exotic parrots of every color. In the Australia Experience world, you can dip your hand in the paint and leave your print on the rock wall, unearth a giant fossil reptile and look for gold nuggets in the mine, under the eyes of the tender wallabies. The green jungle of Darwin hides a surprise around every corner, including the huge alligators. From the white of the ice to the flame red of the volcanoes of Planet Earth we are witnessing the birth of our planet. A sticker also for children who visit the Farm or the suspension bridges and small boats of Ulysses Island. The Delta area is of great impact, among one of the most delicate ecosystems in the world, where rare sturgeons have found a home, as a result of a recovery programme. In the Save a species area, the exhibition 'Scart: the beautiful and useful side of waste - A sea to be saved' displays works of art made exclusively with waste materials, transformed into a thousand forms of art, in collaboration with the Hera Group. Days full of events throughout the season: starting on Sunday 23 April with the Dinsieme and Sunday 30 April with La Sabri and Pika who will meet the little guests for shows, autographs and photos (free events included in the admission ticket, by reservation subject to availability).
Info and tickets on the website

From Saturday 8 April, the Theme Park and Aviation Museum will also open. A collection of about 50 original aircraft, anti-aircraft and armored vehicles, aircraft engines, flying models in scale, pilot clothing and much more. The Theme Park extends over a hilly area surrounded by greenery for almost 8 hectares. Of its kind, it is the largest park in Italy and one of the largest in Europe and in the world. Inside there is also the Italo Balbo Museum of Historical Aeromodelling with the runway for the world captive flight championships and the display of the models that hold the most prestigious records in the world, and the Study Center on the Yellow Line, the last German bastion behind the Gothic Line. Info: