Easter in Rimini

Published on: 28 January 2015
The key moment of the religious feast is Holy Week with the religious celebrations and the traditional Way of the Cross on Good Friday.

One of the most particular ones is held in Rimini up the steps leading to the Santuario della Grazie (Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace) on Covignano hill. On the evening of Good Friday, participants leave from Via Covignano, at the foot of the large marble cross, and walk up the Way of the Cross leading to the sanctuary. It is perhaps the oldest in the world, as it is mentioned in chronicles as far back as 1550. From 1750, the fourteen chapels built up the slope contained large (155 x 120 cm.) terracotta panels, works by Carlo Sarti of Bologna, which, after being completely destroyed during the Second World War, were replaced by ceramics of the same size by sculptor Elio Morri. Repeated every year, this Way of the Cross attracts a large number of worshippers and is very spectacular.

Another unusual Way of the Cross is held along the beach, right beside the sea, in the part of the town that is the throbbing heart of Rimini’s summer life. It starts from Bathing Establishment 22 at Marina Centro and reaches the Harbour. The event is scheduled for Palm Sunday (17th April) at 5.30 pm and is organized by Communion and Liberation.

Domestic traditions include blessed eggs, the symbol of renewed life and a tradition of the past, mainly kept alive to this day by grandmothers, who go to Rimini churches on the Saturday before Easter to have their boiled eggs blessed, ready to be eaten at breakfast on Easter Sunday, with the typical Romagna ciambella sponge cake.

As usual, there are also traditional small markets with gift items, jewellery and sweets, in particular the Easter Fair, held in Rimini’s old town centre and at the seaside, near the harbour. In the old town centre on Friday and Saturday afternoon (22 - 23 April 2011) and on Tintori promenade all day from Saturday to Easter Monday (23rd, 24th and 25th April 2011).
This event is preceded every year by the Spring Sunday Fair (17/04/201), held in Piazza Cavour, Via Poletti and part of Piazza Malatesta on the Sunday before Easter and limited to the sale of non-food products.

The arrival of Easter also inaugurates the season of great events, which heralds the summer season with the first activities on the beach, focussed on sport and typical beach games.

From April 21st to 25th 2011 Paganello will be back, for the 21st edition of an event that attracts the Frisbee world’s greatest experts. Marina Centro will host numerous contests featuring amazing freestyle moves by the international scene’s most talented players. An appealing appointment for young folk, who arrive from all over the world for contests, music, shows, amusement and the desire to get together. The contests foresee the Beach Ultimate World Cup with players from 25 nations, who will be joined by the best freestylers from the four corners of the globe, to fight it out with breathtaking acrobatics in the Acrobatic Paganello World Freestyle Challenge. The welcome party will be on Thursday evening, the first matches on Friday and finals on Easter Monday.
Info: www.paganello.com  

Every weekend in April, including Easter, until May 8th, Marina Centro beach zone will be animated by the Tiki Beach Festival, a real Sand Festival that includes the creation and exhibition of large sand sculptures by artists from all over the world and dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The public will be able to vote the most beautiful sculpture and take part in tournaments and beach activities held at the weekends. These initiatives will include Biglie d’amare, the customary marble contests on giant sand circuits. Countless ideas for enjoying the seaside during the spring.
Info: tel. +39 054127058 info@bagno26rimini.com  

From the cultural point of view, Rimini offers guided visits to the Surgeon’s House, a small Pompeii that re-emerged from centuries of darkness in the heart of the old part of Rimini’s town centre. An extraordinarily important archaeological site, with remains dating from the Roman age to the Middle Ages. The "Surgeon’s House", so-called for the profession of its last owner, a doctor who was probably of Greek origin, and the excavations carried out on-site brought to light exceptional surgical-pharmaceutical instruments and utensils, the richest in the world to have reached us from ancient times.
The appointment is on Saturday at 6.00 pm and Sundays and holidays at 11.00 am and 3.15 pm.
Reservations, which must be made at Rimini Museum (tel. +39 0541 21482), are accepted until the maximum number of participants is reached.

Three exhibitions can also be visited until 25th April (Easter Monday): at Rimini Museum, a solo exhibition by Giovanni Lombardini, “99>11 Verso il colore”. Approximately thirty works on show that document the artist’s artistic career over the last ten years. In his works, the metaphor of travel - found in his art right from the sixties - becomes a line of luminous colour. At ”Francesca d’Italia. Francesca da Rimini from the Jacobin revolution to liberated Trieste”, a hundred and fifty antiques and mementos are on show for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
Hours: weekdays 9 am - 1 pm and 4 - 7 pm; Sundays and holidays 10 am - 12.30 pm and 3 – 7 pm.
On the other hand, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of painter Corrado Cagli Vivaldi, the Galleria d’Immagine, in Via Gambalunga 27, is presenting the exhibition “Archetiposegno/Cagli e Dintorni”. On show works by the Ancona-born painter and artists who frequented his Rome studio, key players of the cultural atmosphere of the Fifties - Sixties.
Hours: every day 4 - 7 pm; Saturday and holidays (including Easter Monday) 10am – 1 pm/4 – 11pm.
Admission to the exhibitions is free.

During the Easter holidays and until 30th June, it will be possible to take advantage of the opportunities offered by Riminicitypass, the tourist-cultural kit that offers reductions and services for discovering the gems of Rimini’s art and culture. It can be requested at the Museum and information offices. Info: www.riminicitypass.it  

Lastly, with the arrival of spring, a trip into the countryside is a must, with the traditional outing to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace (on Covignano hill) on Easter Monday, a custom dating back to the eighteenth century, which was recently revived by CNA.COM and the associations of the Rimini burghs and old town centre: the Somar Lungo.

Since 1997, the Easter Monday of the people of the sea has also been celebrated, to remind people that the whole of Rimini once met at the Santuario delle Grazie on Easter Monday to receive the sacraments and pass a day in the open air, eating a picnic lunch in the nearby meadows. The feast is organized with the collaboration of the Coastguards and the various seamen’s associations, in particular Consorzio Linea Azzurra and Lega Navale, who offer all the participants grilled fish, shellfish, wine and ciambella. A few years ago, this event became the Easter of the people of the sea and is now held on the Saturday after Easter.

With the arrival of spring, the Rimini Riviera’s theme parks also open, with their countless attractions, and during the period of the Easter school holidays are the ideal places to pass a few enjoyable hours with one’s family and friends.

Italia in Miniatura, open from March 12th, presents numerous new features. During the year of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the park invites visitors to discover and love Italy with "tricolour" initiatives, starting with the flag-raising ceremony every morning, accompanied by the notes of the national anthem. On this theme, the PalaSapere by HAG – Veriér has been inaugurated: eleven educational installations on Italy’s Risorgimento and Unification, prepared in collaboration with the University of Urbino. Another educational installation is “Italia in Forchetta”, aimed at teaching a correct lifestyle as far as food is concerned, whereas the Pappamondo area, which opens on June 2nd, is a tropical "island” where visitors can admire colourful parrots.
Info: www.italiainminiatura.com  

Fiabilandia, the park for kiddies, is open every day from April to September, and in July and August also in the evenings. Attractions include Space Mouse (a modern rollercoaster), Borgomagico – the village of the Baubau (a maxi amusement area), the Castle of Merlin the Wizard, the mysterious Bay of Peter Pan, the Grand Canyon and lots more. New features for 2011 also include the “Zorro” show and the “Family Horror Show”. Info: www.fiabilandia.it  

As is the custom when spring arrives, Rimini Dolphinarium opens, with its group of dolphins of the Tursiops (Bottle-nose) species, made up of adult females and males and offspring born in recent years. Guided by expert trainers, the very clever dolphins carry out astonishing acrobatics. An exciting educational show with exceptional stars. This year, the dolphinarium also presents an updated gallery, with aquaria featuring marine environments from the Mediterranean to tropical seas. Info: www.delfinariorimini.it  

The Aviation Museum, the place for fans of airplanes and vehicles used by air forces all over the world in the post WWII period, is also reopening for the season. It also hosts a hall dedicated to uniforms, from the early 1900s to the present day.
Info: www.museoaviazione.com  

Other theme parks open in April are Oltremare, Riccione’s large park for discovering and exploring the sea world www.oltremare.org , and Cattolica Aquarium, which will have new guests this summer: young Caimans and Otters.
Info:  www.acquariodicattolica.it  

For tourist information and hotel bookings, info line: tel. 0039 0541 53399