The Ancient World Festival, edition 2017, takes place on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Domus del Chirurgo site

Published on: 23 November 2017

2017 is the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Domus del Chirurgo, that took place on the 7 December 2007. An extraordinary archaeological site, a true jewel in the ancient core of the city, warden of twenty centuries of history, of lives, of science and art, culture and richness, wars and death, comforts and power... all of which enclosed in 700 sq.m, layered from the Roman Republic to the Middle Ages!

Antico/Presente (ancient/present) Festival del Mondo Antico, in its XIX edition, takes place on the anniversary of the Domus, adding the 7, 8 and 9 December to its dates.

Since its creation, the festival has meant to promote Rimini, with its coastline and hinterland, as a reliable archaeological site due to its many findings, such as those from the Roman era and the works of museum creation in the "Domus del Chirurgo” archaeological site.
A true history district, that can boast a cultural potential still to be fully developed in terms of national tourist offer. A natural theater in which urgent and perhaps even specialist topics can be discussed with a language for the large public.

I FERRI DEL MESTIERE. La cultura del prendersi a cuore (THE TOOLS OF THE TRADE. The culture of taking care) is the title of the event that, as Festival tradition, will develop the main topic between history and present, with an outlook on the international scene. There are a few exceptions, linked mostly to another Rimini important recurrence, the six hundred years since the birth of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta.

The main topic of this edition, inspired by the Domus as cultural heritage and by the character of the surgeon that last lived in it, leaving his wide range of tools, is the culture of taking care. Taking care of humans and public goods. An art that wil be interpreted under many lights, from medicine to cultural heritage protection, from the care of the body to the care of the spirit, from the care of the commonwealth to that of the weakest and most vulnerable people in our society.

Even urgent daily topics will be discussed, such as the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage, humanitarian emergencies and environmental protection also through food education.

Gustavo Zagrebelsky opens the Festival with the lecture “La salute come diritto e dovere” (health as a right and a duty), that will touch the core of the topic explaining that care is the most valuable asset for the individual and for the community. An authoritative guest, along with numerous scholars and popularisers. Renowned names that, between history and present, will elaborate the topic through science, archaeology, literature, philosophy, history, anthropology, etc...

Meetings, discussions, round tables and book presentations along with exhibitions and thematic routes, in a rich, fully free-entry programme. And lastly, a space for kids, in the customary Piccolo mondo antico festival (little ancient world festival). It’s a festival in the festival, dedicated to kids, characterised by games, creativity, discovery and fun. Kids aged 3 or over are invited. They will become the protagonists, recurring history from prehistory to Renaissance, with workshops, guided tours and treasure hunts. The focus is on the Roman world, due to the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Domus, and on Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta.
Starting from the dawn of history, they will discover neolithic villages, the Roman civilization with their mosaics, frescos and historical reenactments, and, finally, Renaissance and Malatestan workshops. All of this will be narrated through multi-sensorial experiences.

Among the names participating in the festival: Roberto Balzani, Alessandro Barbero, Remo Bodei, Pietro Boitani, Giovanni Brizzi, Giovanni Camilleri, Luigi Capasso, Monica Centanni, Giorgio Cozzolino, Lorenzo Cremonesi, Stefano De Carolis, Massimo De Nardo, Pino Donghi, Emanuela Ercolani, Francesco Maria Galassi, Lino Guanciale, Fabio Isman, Ralph Jackson, Kristina Killgrove, Patrizia Magnani, Elisabetta Moro, Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, Marino Niola, Jacopo Ortalli, Carlo Petrini, Alessandro Vanoli.

Today, like 10 years ago, the event features a new initiative, addresed to young students from Rimini, to let them know the site, as they will be the future heirs and wardens of this treasure in the heart of the city. The morning of Thursday 7 December 2017 is dedicated to them, with different opportunities for each stage of education and with free guided tours of the Domus.




7 December 2017 - 11 February 2018
Affreschi romani ad Ariminum. Per la riscoperta di un patrimonio (Roman frescos in Ariminum. To rediscover this heritage)
The exhibition, dedicated to the frescos in the domus’ of Ariminum, is the result of a research of the University of Padova (department of cultural heritage) within the TECT scientific project, based on the study and classification of Roman paintings in northern Italy.
During the tenth anniversary of the opening of the domus del Chirurgo, the exhibition focuses on Rimini’s archaeological heritage and, in paticular, on Roman paintings, which are still quite unknown.
Created by Francesca Fagioli, Riccardo Helg, Angelalea Malgieri and Monica Salvadori

7 December 2017 - 7 January 2018
La Seconda Soglia (the second threshold)
The exhibition stems from an artistic stay of Elisabetta Casella, during which the artist observed a few items from the Museo degli Sguardi.
Denise Lombardi analysed and chose those works that better represent the topics of different shamanisms: care, divination and fear, developed differently across cultures. 
Artistic stay coordination and documentation by Francesca Fiorito
A project by Denise Lombardi and Francesca Fiorito, in partership with the ISUR (Higher School of Comparative Eastern Philospohy)

7-9 December
I miti e gli eroi (Myths and heroes)
The festival collects the works of the students of the I.C.Igea, Bellaria – Igea Marina, a middle school, within the “I miti e gli eroi” project.
An educational workshop to read creation myths from Greek ancient culture: from Prometheus, Pandora, Demeter and Proserpine, Theseus and the Minotaur to the myths of Homer and the heroes of Troy.
A path that goes from the myth to philosophy and ethics, reread and observed throug drawings and in-depth studies on classic culture’s works.
Exhibition created by Alessandro La Motta. With the support of the teachers Sara Cotti, Chiara Franchini and Valentina Marra.

Far and city museum, until the 10 December
Xilografia (1924-1926). Un'utopia grafica italiana del primo Novecento (Woodcut. An Italian graphic utopia in early 900s)
The exhibition, dedicated to one of the most ancient image production and reproduction techniques, wood engraving, showcases a selection of more than a hundred original engravings from the historical magazine “Xilografia”, edited by Francesco Nonni, in one of the editions still owned by the Lega di Faenza publishers. Exhibition created by Alessandra Bigi Iotti