28 October 2018: the Galli theater reopens its doors after 75 years with the wonderful voice of Cecilia Bartoli

Published on: 27 June 2018

After 75 years the Galli theater reopens its doors on October 28, 2018 with the wonderful voice of Cecilia Bartoli. A two-month inauguration, including special events, international stars, Sagra Musicale Malatestiana (a prestigious music festival), prose season and exhibition of the artistic excellence of the territory.

On this date, the 'Amintore Galli' Theater of Rimini will raise its curtain again. At a distance of 27,333 days, 898 months, 75 years, the place of great music will be returned to Rimini and to the community. There will be notes and melodies, where the ferocity of the war had imposed silence and dust for decades. A very long wait, at least three generations of Rimini born and raised without the space par excellence where to enjoy and make art and culture: October 28, 2018 a new season begins, material and symbolic.

The curtain will reopen on the extraordinary voice of Cecilia Bartoli, mezzo-soprano star of the world opera, 10 million records sold, 5 Grammy Awards. 'Her voice welcomes a nest of nightingales', 'Super Cecilia' and 'best Italian export product', was written by the international press about this great artist, of whom few know the Rimini roots, on her father side. It will be her to renew the thread between Rimini and its theater, performing in the 'Cinderella' in a semiscenic form, accompanied by the Musiciens du Prince. The wonderful tale of the girl who after a thousand adventures becomes princess, almost to symbolize the renaissance of the Rimini theater.

While Cecilia Bartoli will play the music in the evocative spaces of the restored 'Galli', the inaugural program will unfold over a period of two months, touching the end of the year, so that all the people in Rimini can enter, see a place left abandoned for 75 years.

The great opera will make its new entrance to the Galli theater thanks to the stage performance of Giuseppe Verdi's 'Simon Boccanegra', directed by Valerij Gergiev, on December 10th and 11th.

Another prestigious international event will be announced by the end of August, at the express request of the production.

The program of the great inaugural events will be completed by the three events scheduled within the Sagra Musicale Malatestaiana:

November 21st and 25th
Orchestra and Choir of the ''Teatro Comunale di Bologna''
Michele Mariotti director

November 30th and December 1st
Orchestra and Choir of the ''Teatro Regio di Torino''
Manlio Benzi director
Gala Verdi - Wagner

December 5th and 6th
Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra
Svetlana Zakharova
Vadim Repin violin
Pas de deux for Toes and Fingers

Also of great importance is the Chamber Music Festival, which for the first time will find space inside the Galli Theater, with a concert for two pianos of the Labèque sisters, the Quartetto della Scala enriched by the cellist Giovanni Sollima in the famous Quintet of Schubert, a chamber music Gala dedicated to Verdi with the two excellent singers from Rimini, Gladjs Rossi and Anna Malavasi and the internationally renowned baritone Luca Salsi, together on the stage with the pianist Davide Cavalli.

To the special events and appointments of the Malatesta Sagra, will be added the theatrical performances of the first prose season at the Amintore Galli Theater: the bill will be presented in the next days, following the tradition consolidated at the Novelli Theater. A wide choice between classics and contemporaries with protagonists the best interpreters of the Italian scene. The program, articulated in the usual A-B-C phases and D-other routes, with Tracce D Contemporaneo at the Teatro degli Atti, will see a high number of new productions this year that will be hosted on the stage of the new theater in the 2018-2019 season. An opportunity for the public to attend fresh performances of debut in the reborn theater.

A 60-day program
From 28 October to the end of December, not only at weekends, the Galli Theater will host the exhibition and concerts of cultural institutions of Rimini, great artists, musical excellence, thanks to which for 75 years the flame of musical passion and the attachment to opera and to great art has not died out, despite the absence of the civic theater. It is a tribute to these people and those who preceded them, and the opportunity for the theater not to close its doors even for a day during the 60 days of its inauguration.

However in the two months of the inauguration of the Galli Theater there will be frequent appointments that will see protagonists the musical and theatrical excellences of our territory, a sort of mutual recognition, to them who have waited for so many years such a prestigious stage, and on their behalf to the City which has finally made it available. Just by way of example we remind that, on 20 November the A.V. Romagna Symphonic Orchestra with the symphonic project of the music high schools "B. Maderna" State Music Conservatory of Cesena, "G. Verdi" Higher Institute of Music Studies of Ravenna, "G. Lettimi" Institute of Musical Studies of Rimini, Director Giorgio Babbini, Piano soloist Nicola Pantani, Music by G. Gershwin and L. Bernstein. And also another work by Andrea Guerra, a composer of international level, significantly entitled "Music for the eyes", which ranges around the combination of music and images that distinguishes most of his projects. Another event is that of 15 December: "Una serata a Teatro con Alfredo Speranza", a story of Rimini, with a tribute to the work of a great music educator, already awarded honorary Rimini citizenship. Also the Accademia dell'Arcangelo will propose a path of musical and literary approach to Verdi's opera. And much more. A multiplicity of presences over the span of two months, ranging from classical repertoires to dance, pop music, songwriting ... that will allow all the people to be there, everyone will have the opportunity to attend various genres of entertainment in the prestigious context of the new Galli Theater.

Info: www.teatrogalli.it