12, 13, 14 July: Lonely Planet UlisseFest arrives in Rimini

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Published on: 2 July 2019

Third edition of Lonely Planet UlisseFest, the festival entirely dedicated to the journey, from July 12 to 14 transforms the city into a suggestive window on the world. An edition full of exceptional guests and richer than ever. Three intense  days of meetings, shows, concerts, readings, films, workshops and laboratories that will invade the historic center of Rimini. The double identity of Rimini, as capital of tourism and as Roman and Renaissance city of art overlooking the Mediterranean sea makes it the perfect reference for those who love travelling. Ulysses 2019 is an opportunity to discover the town moving from Piazza Cavour, passing by the iconic Fulgor Cinema upto the Galli Theater, restored to its original splendor after more than 70 years.

Why do we travel? is the theme of this year: a question that inspires meditation on one of the most important and constitutive dimensions of human nature, the journey. The question will be addressed to writers, artists, photographers, journalists, men of culture and simple travelers. International guests such as Tony Wheeler, the co-founder of Lonely Planet, and Carlo Petrini, the creator of Slow Food, will offer their ponit of view and answer the questions just at the openning of the Festival. The list of guests is broader than ever: protagonists of sports, such as the Olympic champion Tina Maze; researchers like Bill Streever; writers such as Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Bruno Arpaia, Francesco Piccolo, Elena Stancanelli, Roberta Scorranese, Leonardo Piccione, Emanuele Coen, Alex Kerr and many others such as Ezio Guaitamacchi, or Iaia Forte, who will present a very personal reading of Homer from a female poin of view.

Since music has the ability to make us travel, UlisseFest will bring music and entertainment to the very central Piazza Cavour with the performances of great artists who are themselves the emblem of the journey: the Tuareg guitarist Bombino, the queen of fado Ana Moura accompanied for the occasion by the trumpeter Giorgio Li Calzi, and the pianist and composer Stefano Bollani accompanied by the Brazilian musician Hamilton de Holanda.

Among the various themes and declinations of the journey, great importance is dedicated to the outdoors, as a direct, physical and authentic relationship between man and nature; the Norwegian traveler-philosopher Erling Kagge will tell about it. Mountains will also be protagonists with the mountain guide Mario Casella or the organizer of mountaineering expeditions Manuel Lugli; while the seas are represented in the soundtrack of the documentary Planet Ocean by Erica Scherl and Valerio Corzani. We will go to the discovery of remote and suggestive place with the reportage from Ethiopia and Eritrea by Antonio Politano and with the suggestive images of an exhibition entirely dedicated to Jordan.

As Italo Calvino wrote, people can also travel with the taste. Paolo di Paolo will tell the flavors of Marseille, Don Pasta the dangers of taste globalization, Slow Food the roads of the Buon Paese.

One of the most beautiful moments of the journey is the sharing of experience. This is why UlisseFest organizes also workshops and offers concrete opportunities for those looking for an even more engaging and inclusive experience. With the workshop on writing travel guides 'How to become a Lonely Planet author', you can discover the secrets of this profession with the Lonely Planet editor Silvia Castelli. Ludovico de Maistre, director of documentaries, reportages and travel videos, will guide the participants in the workshop 'Travel filmmaking: equipment and technique'. In addition, it will be possible to look at the world from above with the videomaking workshop 'Drone and aerial photography: regulations, technique and opportunities'. You can also draw an emotional map with Luigi Farrauto, cartographer, and Andrea Formenti, cultural disseminator, or learn directly from the hand of Emiliano Ponzi, illustrator, among others, for The New Yorker, MoMa and Gucci. The cinema section will open with Yao at the Augustinians Court and will close on the stage of Piazza Cavour with the projection of 'Priscilla, the queen of the desert', 25 years after the release of the film Nina's Drag Queens.



 Free entry initiatives

Lonely Planet UlisseFest is organized by EDT, an Italian partner of Lonely Planet, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rimini.