Environmental Guides

The environmental excursion guide illustrates the environmental and natural aspects of the territory, including parks and protected areas, nature and ecological exhibition areas with the exclusion of alpine routes, particularly those requiring specific equipment.

Qualification for the profession allows the activity to be exercised throughout the regional territory.

For information on the profession www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/turismo/professioni-turistiche

In Rimini area it is possible to carry out visits and excursions in the Marecchia River Park, the Covignano trails, as well as hiking and trekking in the Marecchia and Conca Valleys.

For a list of local people qualified for the profession, consult the reference site.

Contacts in Rimini include:

Cristian Savioli - Guide of Romagna 
Cell. 333 484 4496 cristiansavioli@protonmail.com - www.facebook.com/GuidaRomagna/

Ghirardi Alessia
Cell: 3484931843 alessia@romagnaslow.net - www.romagnaslow.net
Languages spoken Italian English German French

Zambelli Marco
Cell: 3396665336 info@zambotrekking.com - www.zambotrekking.com
Spoken languages Italian English Spanish