Embassies and consulates


Honorary Consulate of the Republic of San Marino
Rimini  Corso d' Augusto, 14 tel. +39 0541 392085 - fax 306698; info@consolatorsm-rm.it


Honorary Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Riccione (Rn) via Milano 78/c - tel: (+39) 0541 601700 - fax: (+39) 0541 601762 - 


Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Austria
Bologna,  Galleria del Leone 2- Tel. +39 051 267644- Fax +39 051 0195100 ; E-mail consolatoaustria.bo@gmail.com ​
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Bulgaria 
Bologna,  Piazza del Francia, 1 Tel. +39 051 234875 - Fax 0513391672 
Honorary Consulate of the  Republic of France
Bologna Via Solferino, 11 - 40100 Bologna Tel. +39 051 582410 - Fax 051 582186; E-mail  giuliano.berti@studiolegaleberti.it
Consular Agency  of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Bologna c/o Studio Dallari – Via Amendola, 12 - 40121 Bologna Tel. +39 051 254480 - Fax 051 255600 
Honorary Consulate of the Kinkdom of Norway
Bologna Via del Cane, 8 int. 8  Tel. 0515883631 - Fax 0519840813; E-mail consolato.norvegia.bo@giannibaravelli.it 
Honorary Consulate of the Kinkdom of the Netherlands
Bologna Piazza Amendola, 8  Tel. +39 051715202,   +39 338 3148120 - Fax 051374488; E-mail consolato.paesibassi@gmail.com 
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Romania
Bologna Via Guelfa, 9 -  Tel: +39 051 587 2209 only for emergency number +39 349 1178220-  http://bologna.mae.ro/
Honoray Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia
Forlì  Corso Armando Diaz, 49- Tel. e fax +39 054335982; E-mail: console@consolatoslovacco.it
Vice Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Spain
Ravenna  Via G. Pascoli, 4 - Tel. +39 0544 219714 - Fax 0544245228; E-mail: consonorariospagna.ra@gmail.com 
Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden 
Bologna  Via del Cane, 8 - Tel. +39 051 5883631 - Fax 051 9840813; E-mail consolato.svezia.bo@giannibaravelli.it  
Honorary Consulate of the Swiss Confederation
Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna) Via Risorgimento, 11 – Tel.+39  051 576416 - Fax 051576468; E-mail bologna@honrep.ch  
Honorary Consulate of the  Republic of Tunisia
Bologna Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 7 - Tel. +39 0510040195; E-mail consoleonorario@repubblicatunisina.com 
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Hungary
Bologna Via di Santa Caterina, 55 - Tel. e fax +39 051 9914536 Mob.: 331 4021400; E-mail consolato.bo@gmail.com ungheriabo@iol.it  


Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Albania
Ancona Via Giacomo Matteotti, 110  Telefono: +39  071 54860 Fax:  071 52195;  Email:  rossidir@interfree.it 
Consulate General of the Republic of Argentina
Milano Via Agnello, 2 – 4° piano - Tel. +39 02 77729425, 02 77729430  - Fax 0277729444; E-mail: cmila@mrecic.gov.ar ; economica@conolatoargentina.it
Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium
Ancona Via dell'Industria 2/F - 60127 Tel. (+39) 071 28.99.81 - Fax (+39) 071; E-mail: consolato@cagnoni.it
Consulate General of the Federative Republic of Brasil
Milano  Corso Europa, 12 -Tel. +39 027771071 - Fax 02 76015628; E-mail:Setor Cultural: cultural.milao@itamaraty.gov.br;  Setor de Promoção Comercial: secom.milao@itamaraty.gov.br
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Ancona Via Pastore, 17  Tel. +39 071 2867794 - Fax 071 2919658; E-mail ancona@honorary.mzv.cz 
Consulate General  of the People's Republic of China
Milano Via Benaco, 4  Tel.Tel. +39 02-5694106   02 83201385- Fax 025694131 
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Croatia
Firenze  Via della Mattonaia , 13 –  Tel. +39 055 2639272 – Fax 055 2469418; E-mail a.fusi@studioedlmannefusi.it 
Consulate General of the Republic of Cuba
Milano  Via Giovan Battista Pirelli, 30  Tel. +39 02 67391344 - Fax 02 02 66712694; E-mail: viceconsul@mit.consulcuba.cu 
Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark
Ancona  Via Cialdini, 57  Tel. (+39) 071 201 289   071 501011 - Fax 07156752   E-mail: dkconsul.an@gmail.com
Consulate General of the Dominican Republic
Milano Corso Buenos Aires 64/A,  Tel.: +39 02 20240965 Fax: 02 29516180;  E-Mail: embajadadominicana@tiscali.it
Honorary Consulate of the  Republic of Ecuador
Firenze  Via Trieste, 67 - Tel. +39 055473151 – Cell. urgenze +39 3318784132; E-mail info@conecuadorfirenze.it 
Consulate General of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Milano Via Timavo, 17 Tel. +39 02 29516360 - Fax 02 29518194; E-mail ufficioconsolegeneralegitto@gmail.com 
Consulate General of the Republic of Finland
Firenze presso Nautor Holding Srl – Palazzo Salutati – Borgo SS Apostoli, 27  Tel. +39 0553562838, 055 3562843, 3401635261 - Fax 0553562837; E-mail consolatofinlandiafirenze@gmail.com 
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany​
Milano Via Solferino, 40 - Tel. +39 026231101 - Fax 026554213; E-mail info@mailand.diplo.de
Consulate General of Japan
Milano Via Privata Cesare Mangili, 2/A - 20121 Milano Tel. +39 026241141 - Fax 02 6597201; E-mail segret.cg@ml.mofa.go.jp 
Honorary Consulate of the  Republic of Moldova
Firenze  Via Pier Capponi 87 - Tel. +39 334 1766164 - Fax 0571668872; E-mail consolatomoldovatoscana@gmail.com; www.consolatomoldovafirenze.it
Consolato Onorario della Repubblica di Polonia
Ancona via Montebello 58 A- Tel e Fax: +39 071 55 240;  Email: consolatopoloniamarche@gmail.com
Honorary Consulate of the Russian Federation
Ancona viale Della Vittoria- 7 Tel. +39 0731 605816 Mob. (+39) 329.1533967  Fax 0731721464;  E-mail: segreteria@consolatorusan.it​ 
Consulate General of the Republic of Senegal
Milano  Viale Certosa, 187 -  Milano Tel. +39 0241540073 - Fax 0241549843; E-mail consulsenmilan@hotmail.com 
Consulate General of the  Republic of Slovenia
Firenze Via Pasquale Villari, 39 – Tel. +39 055 0546555 - fax 055 4631482; E-mail consolatoslovenia.firenze@advisors.it 
Consulate General of the United States of America
Firenze Via Lungarno A. Vespucci, 38 -Tel. +39 055 266951 - Fax 055 284088 
Consulate General of the  Republic of Ukraine
Milano Via Ludovico di Breme, 11 -Tel.  +39 02 86998814 - Fax 02 86984863; E-mail gc_itm@mfa.gov.ua 
Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Milano Corso Europa, 5 - Tel.+39  02 76006293 - Fax 02 76002170; E-mail admonconsulvenemilan@gmail.com