It is a festival to celebrate the Italian holiday, the Assumption Day, on the seashore with wine tastings, jugglers, fakirs, dance and music performances and bonfire. It is an unforgettable evening where the fire is light, heat and power.
- from 8 pm from beach 120 to beach 130 there will be a line up of “foconi” (barbeques) and tables for tasting of grilled meat and fish
- from 9 pm: 6 locations in the beach areas 110-119 and 131-146 will host fakirs, performance of dance-flame, music, 70's guitars (guitar circles and bonfire on the beach) and jugglers with fire.
- in late evening there will be the great final with fireworks display at beach 150
In order to give more flavor to the night of the fire on the seashore there are also:
- wine bars on the beach with doc wines to taste in candlelight at beach 115
- "The Bay of Beer" by the microbreweries in Rimini at beach 143
- "Barumba Wave", beach bar managed by Barrumba, at beach 106/107