Sagra Musicale Malatestiana

Symphonic Concerts

Questo evento è parte di:
1, 12, 17 September - 13, 25 October 2024

at 9.00pm


The opening of the symphonic concert series (1 September) with a renowned ensemble such as the Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam conducted by Myung-Whun Chung, is one of great prestige. 
On 12 September, an eclectic conductor Vladimir Jurowski returns to the Galli at the head of the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin with soloist Augustin Hadelich. 
The Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia conducted by Gianandrea Noseda performs on 17 September and will feature two pianists, Jan Lisiecki and Francesco Piemontesi in a performance of Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart's Concerto for two pianos and orchestra in E-flat major.
On 13 October, Teodor Currentzis, one of the most original performers on the international music scene, makes his debut in Rimini with his orchestra MusicAeterna. 
The 200th anniversary of the first performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony will be the occasion to hear the musicians of the Leonore Orchestra, a formation with an international vocation founded and conducted by Daniele Giorgi with the Philharmonischer Chor Műnchen (25 October).


Galli Theatre in Cavour Square - Rimini historic centre
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