Paganello 2022: Paga Inferno

International Beach Ultimate Tournament XXXI edition

From Saturday 16 to Monday 18 April 2022
Sports and Games

After two years of forced absence, a great edition of Paganello, the International Beach Ultimate Tournament, the sport of frisbee played on the sand, returns at Easter.
Great is the desire to return to play on the beach as demonstrated by the number of members who are reaching the golden editions: about 1500 guys will compete on the beach of Rimini. 110 teams from all over the world, Australia, Singapore, America, New Zealand, Canada and two Lebanese teams. An event dedicated to sport, to the meeting of young people from all over the world, to peace.
This year the freestyle performances are also back and will be held on Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 17 by the sea.
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Lungomare Tintori , ingresso Piazzale Marvelli - Rimini Marina centro