The magic of sand Nativity scenes

The Nativity on the Beach of Rimini

from Saturday 5th december 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
Religious festivals

In Rimini the sand Nativity scenes return in the splendid setting of the beach in winter.
Life-size sculptural groups give life to Sand Nativity and spectacular Christmas scenery, created by sand artists.
The tradition of Christmas revives on the beach of Rimini, with the giant sand Nativities on the beach in Marina Centro and, in Torre Pedrera, at the Bagno  65.
Opening cerimony on December 7th in Marina Centro and December 8th in Torre Pedrera. The days before, the nativity scenes can be visited on demand to see the artists at work.


Rimini, free beach in Piazzale Boscovich, Marina Centro and bagno 65 in Torre Pedrera