La Vita Dolce/Sweet life

Photographic exhibition on the beach of Rimini

From Friday 1 July to Tuesday 30 August 2022

An exhibition that is structured along several kilometers of beach and that tells the most intimate and hidden Rimini, through some of the black and white photographs by Gianni Donati and Pio Sbrighi. The photographic exhibition unfolds a step away from the seashore and is divided into five chapters, through which the city of Rimini is told with nostalgia, irony, clarity of mind and imagination. To the photographic narration are added phrases, quotations, reflections of the authors and anecdotes from Romagna. Images of a Rimini whose secrets belong entirely to those who live there, which are divided into sections dedicated to a variety of characters from Rimini's daily life, universal archetypes in which to recognize oneself, including lifeguards, bathers, fishermen and children. A “pop” path, light without being superficial, where the images chat with the context in which they are located, the beach of Rimini, an icon of seaside tourism and a universal destination for fun and lightheartedness.
The photographs are taken from the volume by Gianni Donati and Pio Sbrighi, Rimini di Pietra, Nuvole and Sale, a volume that tells another Rimini in 200 black and white shots, to which the famous Rimini author Marco Missiroli contributed.


Spiaggia di Rimini