La settima arte - Cinema and Industry is back to Rimini

The Film Festival in Rimini

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From Wednesday 27 April to Sunday 1 May 2022
Multiple Events

The Seventh Art Cinema and Industry is back to Rimini. Now in its fourth edition, the event organized by Confindustria Romagna, Cinema Fulgor and University of Bologna - Department of Arts, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rimini, was created with the aim of spreading the values of the film industry and supporting the sector and all its related industries.
Five days divided into a program of free events, with screenings, masterclasses, training sessions, up to the ceremony for the awarding of the "Cinema and Industry" award assigned by a jury of experts chaired by the famous director Pupi Avati. This year the 2022 ad honorem Cinema and Industry Award goes to Giuseppe Tornatore. The master of Italian cinema will receive the award on April 30 at the Galli Theater in Rimini together with the other winners: Tempesta (Production Award), Vision Distribution (Distribution Award) Lorenzo Baraldi and Gianna Gissi (Artistic Award), Carlotta Cristiani (editing Award ).
Various places in the city host the days of the cinema. Opening Night on April 28 with the participation of the writer Enrico Brizzi. On April 29, the prize "Valpharma for cinema" is awarded in memory of the entrepreneur Roberto Valducci. The award, now in its second edition, is dedicated to young professionals working in the film industry.
The appointments are all with free admission, upon reservation. Participation in scheduled events offers the opportunity to visit, during the days of the event, the Fellini Museum with a ticket at the special entrance cost of 5 euros.
Complete program on:

