Gambalunga 400. Birthday Party (1619-2019)

At the Galli Theater,Teatro degli Atti and Gambalunga Library

Tuesday 23 April 2019
Multiple Events

The Gambalunga Library was the first public library to open in Italy in 1619, thanks to the rich and cultured Rimini patron Alessandro Gambalunga, who gave the city his Palazzo and his library.
Hence the choice to celebrate the birth of Gambalunga Library emphasizing its function as a community place and to start the celebrations with a birthday party, symbolically set on April 23rd, World Book Day.
Among the guests Alessandro Bergonzoni in dialogue with Marino Sinibaldi, director of Radio3, and the great historian and philologist Luciano Canfora who will hold a masterly conference on the power of words.
A meeting with Vinicio Caposela will end the celebration day.


Teatro Galli, Teatro degli Atti, Biblioteca Gambalunga - Rimini historic centre
