The protagonist of the evening in the Sismondo Castle is the voice by Cristina Di Pietro who performs songs by Mina, a story of a myth.
The musical arrangements are by Marco Capicchioni, and Cristina will be accompanied by Aldo Maria Zangheri on violin, Fabio Gaddoni, cello and double bass, and Mattia Guerra at the piano.
Cristina Di Pietro will retrace the story of the great Italian singer, Mina, through some of her main successes and other lesser-known songs.
Castel Sismondo, Piazza Malatesta - Rimini historic centre
10 €
Reduced rates:
5 € to the under 14 years
Additional information
Entrance from the car park of Piazza Malatesta. The availabilty of places are limited; booking is possibile through e-mail to (indicating name and surname and the number of tickets)
Tickets can be purchased firectly at the ticket office from around 8 pm