Convention - Welcoming Cities

The welcoming cities are changing the world

15th - 16th April 2016
Conferences, Conventions and Seminars

Welcoming Cities takes place within the international conference Be Wizard! 2016.
Theme of this third edition is the storytelling of tourism. Through the speech of national and international speakers, will be analyzed the sophisticated art of narrating venues, monuments and treasures of art and nature.
'Locus in fabula', the title of edition 2016, will present the main cases and new tools available to shape the territories' stories, from the most traditional, such as film, photography and comics, to the most innovative.
Moreover, the goal of the event is also to focus on the relationship between territories and new jobs for the tourism sector.


Palacongressi di Rimini, via della Fiera 23 - Rimini


Friday 15th
- h. 10-13: Plenary Session of Be Wizard! with internationally renowned speakers.
- h. 14.15: first session Welcoming Cities
Saturday 16th
- h. 9:30 to 13:00: second session Welcoming Cities
- h. 14:15 to 16:00: conclusion with a large number of speakers of the two days convention.