Andrea Shinigami 44°3’27”N 12°33’55 E

Photographic exhibition

from Saturday 7 September to Sunday 6 October 2024

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm; closed on non-holiday Mondays


Andrea Shinigami's look at Rimini is everything we do not expect about this city.
It shows a body, made up of people and streets, of people and the sea, caught from one of the many perspectives of which an uninhibited eye is capable; as if Rimini were not Rimini, as if it were something else: all the Other that is everywhere, all the Beyond.
And so this explains the reasons for the title 44°3'27 ‘N 12°33'55 ’E 
No longer ‘Rimini’ but its coordinates on a globe, as if a child's finger had casually pointed to that spot. Rimini becomes what was found under that finger, looked at with the same sincere attention as one who discovers a place for the first time, as if to say that wonder and the magnificent can be found wherever a finger chooses to point.
Inauguration and presentation of the art book: Saturday 7 September 2024, 5 p.m.


Rimini, Museo della Città, via Luigi Tonini 1