Association Zeinta de Borg

Committee of the old villages in Rimini historic centre

The association "Zeinta de Borg" brings together the associations in the old villages of Rimini historic centre, "Quei dè Borg a Sant’Andrea", "I Commercianti del Borgo San Giuliano", "Sant’", "Comitato esercenti del Borgo San Giovanni", "Borgo Marina" and "Facciamo Centro".
Zeinta de Borg want to enhance the identity of the historic center as a natural commercial center. In Rimini, in fact, the old villages offer the possibility to integrate a walk among the monuments and the historical sites with shopping of excellence. The associations organized a lot of initiatives and events such as the thirty years old "Festa de Borg" in San Giuliano, and those in Borgo Sant'Andrea and Borgo San Giovanni. These traditional festivals have become a traditional appointments not only to the inhabitants but also to tourists. A moment rich of culture and story with historical and cultural revival and restoration of ancient sites in the streets and the squares of the city.
Zeinta de Borg aims to increase the identity of the old villages by creating an overview of the historic center, enhancing trades and safeguarding the old traditions and the culture.