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Home / Guide / Discover the area / Art And Culture / Churches, Baptisteries / Chiesa di San Martino in Riparotta

Chiesa di San Martino in Riparotta

The first church decorated with the spray art by the Italian artist Eron and with the cartoons by Mabel Morri
Via S.Martino in Riparotta 33 - Viserba di Rimini
+39 0541/1780516

After the renovation, the church of San Martino in Riparotta was "painted" by Davide Eron Salvadei, one of the most famous Italian artist of spray art. In this way, for the first time in the history of the street art, once considered even as a kind of vandalism, enters the temple where art exceeds the time for ever and ever: the church.

Last update date: 26/10/2020 - 11:37