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Home / Guide / Discover the area / Nature And Environment / Places of natural interest / The Nature Observatory of Valmarecchia

The Nature Observatory of Valmarecchia

Getting there: 
The Centre is located in Torriana in the locality of Montebello (Rn), via Scanzano, 4.

The Nature Observatory of Valmarecchia is located inside the Oasis of Protection of the Fauna of Montebello, one of the most interesting areas of the Province of Rimini on a natural and historical point of view. With its captivating installations it offers to all its visitors, adults and children, the possibility to discover the beauties of the Marecchia valley.

Inside the structure, in the wide room of the first floor, different kinds of natural environments that can be encountered along the Valmarecchia are represented, as well as a big water terrarium in which we can find the vegetal and animal species that populate and animate the water of the river.

On the second floor, a great plastic model gives an overview of the valley of Marecchia and the collection of fossils from the Pliocene (when instead of the river there was the sea), the rocks, the minerals of the valley and the reconstruction of medieval life, with fortresses and castles, enable to discover a territory that has evolved in a complex way and has offered so much to the people who have inhabited it, and continues to do so for the people who inhabit it nowadays.

Outside there is a botanical path which expands in a circle around the village of Montebello and which offers the possibility to study easily a few species of plants.

The Observatory is a centre of environmental education from the INFEA network of the Province of Rimini and is managed by Atlantide in collaboration with the C.R.E.N. (Cooperativa Ricerche
Ecologiche Naturalistiche – Natural and Ecological Research Cooperative) of Rimini.

Last update date: 11/03/2021 - 11:55