Voci nei chiostri, Voice in Cloisters

Choir festival in cloisters and churches of Rimini

from 8th June to 28th August 2018
at 9 pm except 15th July at 4.30 pm and 28th August at 8 pm

The sound of voice music has always been heard in the Cloisters and the Courtyards, in the spaces devoted to the cult of the soul or civil life. The choir festival intends to recreate the harmonies that for many centuries wrapped columns and corners of the city.
The participating choirs have chosen a music repertoire that ranges from sacred to profane, from ancient music to modern and contemporary, in order to highlight the festival and creat unforgettable appointments.
The voice, alone or accompanied by instruments, represents the first attempt to ‘make music’ and it has maintained its special appeal. It is a personal instrument, par excellence, that creates lots of emotions.
The choral concerts propose moments of pleasant listening under the suggestive arcades.
The artistic director of the festival is Andrea Angelini.
See the complete program​


Rimini, Cloister of the Gambalunga Library, Church of San Bernardino, Cloister Santuario delle Grazie (Covignano Rimini hillside), Church of Crocifisso, Church Santa Maria dei Servi, Corte Palazzo Ghetti


8th June - Rocca di Verucchio
Castello di Verucchio
Cori voci bianche Le Allegre Note
DiR. Fabio Pecci

9th June - Church of San. Bernardino
Via Piazzetta di San. Bernardino, Rimini
Coro Universitario di Camerino Cappella musicale del Duomo
Dir. Luciano Feliciano

10th June - Church of Crocifisso
Via del Crocifisso 17 Rimini
Cori Carla Amori
Dir. Andrea Angelini

16th June - Sanctuary of Grazie
Via delle Grazie 10
Coro Jubilate Dei
Dir. Ilario Muro

24th June  - Gambalunga Library
Via Gambalunga Rimini
Coro Le Voci Liriche di Misano
Dir. Silvia Vico

1st July - corte Palazzo Ghetti
Via XX SETTEMBRE 1870, n.63
Gruppo corale e strumentale L. Benizzi
Dir. Pietro Ceccarelli

1st July - Convento Frati Minori , Villa Verucchio
Via Convento 150
Coro Amarcanto
Dir. Laura Amati

7th July - Corte Palazzo Ghetti
Via XX  SETTEMBRE 1870,n. 63
Coro La Bottega delle Voci
Dir. Fabio Mencucci

13th July - Gambalunga library
Via Gambalunga Rimini
Coro città di Morciano
Dir. Oreste Pecci

14th July - Gambalunga library
Via Gambalunga Rimini
Dir. Giuliana Capellini

15th July at 4.30 Convento Frati minori
Villla Verucchio
Via Convento 150
Coro lirico città di Rimini A.GALLI
Dir. Matteo Salvemini

21st July - Museum of Verucchio
Via Sant'Agostino 14
Coro Malatesta da Verucchio
Coro Magnificat
Dir. Ludovico Buonamano

28th July - Church of San Bernardino
P.tta San Bernardino, Rimini
Corale Nostra Signora di Fatima
Dir. Loris Tamburini
Corale Vincenzo Cruciani
Dir. Marco Guarnieri

28th August at 8 pm - Church of Santa Maria dei Servi
Piazzetta dei Servi, Rimini
Concerto corale e orchestrale
Orchestra giovanile della Calabria
Dir. Ferruccio Messinese
Corale Nostra Signora di Fatima
Dir. Loris Tamburini
Coro Le Voci Liriche di Misano
Dir. Silvia Vico
Coro lirico città di Rimini Rimini.Galli
Dir. Matteo Salvemini