Rimini Fiera, the Expo Centre: Ginnastica in Festa - Festival of gymnastic

A competitive gymnastic event

23rd June - 2nd July 2017
Sports and Games

‘Ginnastica in festa’ is a great sports event organized by Esatour Sports Events and ASD Gym in Pesaro in collaboration with FGI, the Italian Gymnastics Federation.
13,000 people of 592 sports association (covering the 20 Italian regions) attended the last edition of the event.
In the ten days of competition in Rimini there are expected about 70-80mila people including athletes, accompaniers, experts and audience.
On the fields will be engaged about 100 people among judges, official juries and a staff, along with the exhibitors who will create the shopping village. The event will be enriched by the presence of many big gymnastic athletes, protagonists of international challenges and Olympic competitions.


free admission for young people under 15 years of age, athletes, executives and technicians
Rimini Fiera, the Expo Centre, via Emilia, 155 - Rimini Viserba
Tariffa d'ingresso: 
10 € per day
Tariffe ridotte: 
5 € per day

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