“Rimini ChiAma Camerino” project, in collaboration with La Pedivella

Project “Rimini ChiAma Camerino” in collaboration with La Pedivella

Saturday 27th October 2018
4.00 p.m.
Sports and Games

'Rimini chiAma Camerino' is a solidarity initiative promoted by the Parish of Sant'Andrea dell'Ausa - Il Crocifisso, to help and support the people from Camerino affected by the earthquake on 26th October 2016.
Two years after the earthquake, the Parish in collaboration with the Association 'La Pedivella', organizes a walk of solidarity which will take place on Saturday 27th October 2018. The walk starts from Piazza Tre Martiri, continues along the streets of the center, up to the Tiberius Bridge and then ends in Piazza Tre Martiri with a concert by 'Banda Musicale Città di Camerino' and 'Filarmonica Città di Rimini'.
Inscriptions : at the Parish Sant'Andrea dell'Ausa (Crucifix, LUDOTECA WINNIE THE POOH), from October, every afternoon from Monday to Friday, from 4 to 6 pm.
A free package of "Pasta di Camerino" will be given to those who support the project.
All donations are for reconstruction of the "CASA DELLA MUSICA" in Camerino.


Free donation
piazza Tre Martiri (partenza) - Rimini historic centre
