One Billion Rising 2017

Flash mob "Solidarity Against Exploitation of Women"

Tuesday 14th Febbruary 2017
meeting at 3.30 pm in Piazza Cavour; departure at 4 pm, followed by flash mob in Piazza Tre Martiri
Folklore and Festivals

One Billion Rising, the international campaign of the V-Day movement against violence on women and children, is back in Rimini. Tuesday 14th February is a day of sharing through dancing, a solidarity and revolt action against violence on women by women all around the world.
Meeting at 3.30 pm at Casa delle Donne in Piazza Cavour. At 4 pm we move together along the streets via Sigismondo and via Garibaldi, followed by flash mob in the Piazza Tre Martiri square.
The return is along Corso d'Augusto up to Piazza Cavour with "Break the chain" in loop.


Piazza Tre Martiri - Rimini historic centre

Additional information

The choreography is simple and can be danced by all; here's the tutorial:
For those who want to participate, there are available a series of rehearsals at the youth centre Grotta Rossa, via della Lontra 40: Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th from 6.45 pm to 8 pm.