The music of Amintore Galli

Preview of the Malatesta Music Festival dedicated to the composer Amintore Galli

Saturday 28 December 2019
5.00 p.m.

The Ressi Room of the Galli Theater hosts 'The music of Amintore Galli - preview, a look at his musical compositions', performed on the piano by Antonio D'Abramo and introduced by Gianandrea Polazzi and Annarosa Vannoni.
A way to discover more about the figure of Amintore Galli (October 2, 1845 - December 8, 1919), from Rimini who left his mark in the cultural history of the city and the country.


Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre

Additional information

Admission is free but reservations are required as long as places are available. or or call +39 0541 704294/96 from Monday to Friday from 10am to 1.00pm.