Il Mulino dei Piccoli: Cirque baul

Show for children at the Mulino di Amleto Teatro. By the Combriccola dei Lillipuziani

Sunday 27 January 2019
4.30 p.m.

A miniature circus! A tow trunk and an old gramophone, all that the “Cirque baul” manages to carry around, all that is needed to give life to a refined but exhilarating show of other times.
The elegant director of the circus Monsieur Leclerc and the clumsy clown Renò, will carry you in the rarefied atmosphere of the traditional French circuses of "fin de siècle", but do not worry, as in all the big circuses there will be suspense, great numbers of attraction with juggling, magic, dangerous and precarious balancing; the poetry of the clowns; and the exotic fearsome wild beasts.


Up to 12 years € 5 | Whole € 7
Rimini, Via Del Castoro, 7 - Grotta Rossa

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Combriccola dei Lillipuziani
by and with Matteo Giorgetti e Beppe Chirico