Christmas Concerts at the "I Malatesta Shopping Center" by the Filarmonica Orchestra "Città di Rimini"

Event for the world's longest New Year celebrations

Sunday 16th, 23th and 30th December 2018
From 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.

The philharmonic orchestra “Città di Rimini”, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rimini, offers a Christmas Concerts Festival at the 'I Malatesta' Shopping Center in Rimini, as part of the “Capodanno più lungo del mondo” (The world's longest New Year's Day).
The Festival opens Sunday, December 16th with a flash mob by the Youth Band “Città di Rimini”.
Sunday, December 23rd  the concert "Merry Christmas in Music" will performed by the Band " Città di Rimini" .
Last appointment on Sunday, December 30th with the A.B Rimini Big Band and the 'Auguri in jazz' concert.



Centro Commerciale 'I Malatesta', Via Emilia, 150 - Rimini zona Celle