Caesar's treasure

Treasure hunt organized by the Kantharos association

Friday, June 22nd 2018
meeting at 9 pm
Sports and Games

The Kantharos association proposes a treasure hunt for children from 6 to 11 years old, to discover the Roman Rimini in the company of some characters from a distant past. To find the legendary treasure of Caesar it will be necessary to collect clues, to solve riddles and puzzles and to complete the journey.
Reservations required within June 22nd before 5pm.


Augustus Arch (meeting point) - Rimini historic center
Tariffa d'ingresso: 
5 €
Tariffe ridotte: 
4 € for Kantharos members

Additional information

Parents can also register at the spot before the treasure hunt start and the card cost is of € 10. The card  gives the opportunity to participate in events dedicated to members and entitles to a discount of 50% on the cost of guided tours scheduled during the summer.