Beating the Mind: Le luci della centrale elettrica

Percuotere la Mente presents the artistic-musical project by Vasco Brondi

Wednesday 12th July 2017
9.15 pm

‘Le luci della centrale elettrica’, the musical project born in 2007 by the singer songwriter Vasco Brondi from Ferrara, arrives in Rimini in the tour dedicated to the new album, Terra.
Ten songs, ten stories which tell about the cultural and social changes that have characterized the last decades. Music that blends the style of the songwriter with the sounds and rhythms of the world. An ‘ethnical’ album which blends Balkan music and African drums, Arabic and Italian melodies and religious songs.
In case of bad weather the performance will be held at the Novelli Theatre.


€ 18
Corte degli Agostiniani, via Cairoli, 40 - Rimini historic centre

Additional information

Advance ticket sales:
-  at Teatro Novelli (via Cappellini 3, Tel. 0541.793811) Tuesday to Saturday 10 am - 2 pm; Tuesday and Thursday even 3 pm - 5.30 pm
In the day of the performance the tickets are available at the Novelli Theatre 10 am - 2 pm, and from 7 pm at the Corte degli Agostiniani. Phone bookings are not accepted.