Awaiting la Notte Rosa, the Pink Night: Rimini chiama Genova

Percuotere la Mente pays tribute to the Genoese singer songwriters

Monday 3rd July 2017
at 9.15 pm

Percuotere la Mente celebrates the Italian music with a special tribute to the songwriting in its various transformations and evolutions. In the performance some of the most important Rimini musicians will be alternating on the stage to pay tribute to the Genoese singer songwriters: from Umberto Bindi to Fabrizio De Andrè, from Luigi Tenco to Gino Paoli and Bruno Lauzi. On stage there are the musicians Andrea Amati, Daniele Maggioli, Massimo Modula and Giuseppe Righini, directed by the young maestro Federico Mecozzi and accompanied by Caterina Boldrini (violin), Lucia Solferino (viola), Cecilia Biondini (cello) and Massimo Marches (guitars).
The Landlords and the singer-songwriter Dany Greggio are the special guests of the evening.
In case of bad weather the performance will take place at the Novelli Theatre.


€ 10
Corte degli Agostiniani, via Cairoli, 40 - Rimini historic centre

Additional information

-  at Teatro Novelli (via Cappellini 3, Tel. 0541.793811) Tuesday to Saturday 10 am - 2 pm; Tuesday and Thursday even 3 pm - 5.30 pm
-  or on line

In the day of the performance the tickets are available at the Novelli Theatre 10 am - 2 pm, and from 7 pm at the Corte degli Agostiniani. Phone bookings are not accepted.