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Home / Guide / Flavours / Typical products / The flavours of Romagna cuisine

The flavours of Romagna cuisine


The ruby-red of Romagna wine "Sangiovese", the blue of Adriatic sea's fish, the golden of ground corn, the most important piadina's ingredient: these are the main colours of Romagna cuisine.
It is a simple one based on country and sea traditions; you can taste it everywhere, in luxury restaurants as well as in stalls on the beach. 
Hot piadina, sliced meats and salami or fish are offered you as a starter. 
Then, various kinds of pasta are waiting for you: tagliatelle, tagliolini, ravioli, cappelletti, strozzapreti... you can serve with a meat or a clam sauce as you like better.
You can just have a taste of three dishes.
The second courses are barbecued meat with vegetables au gratin, grilled fish: sardines, mackerels, soles, mullets, clams, mussels, razor-shells, slugs.
Typical dish is "brodetto", made up of different kind of stewed fish, tomatoes and spice.
The most renowned fish restaurants are at Borgo San Giuliano and along the waterfront.
If you don't want to spend too much, come and see the festivals taking place in Rimini (or in its hinterland) every summer.
You will be offered at a low price: "rustide" (grilled fish) with piada, ciambella (the typical Romagna cake) with wine (Albana "dolce"), clams "alla marinara", tripe...
No to forget the small shops making and retailing piada and cassoni (piada with a filling by choice).
Romagna wines: we remind you Sangiovese (with cold pork meat, salami, barbecued meat and cheese),Trebbiano(with appetizers).
Pagadebit or Albana "secco" are advisable with fish. Tasting sweets, try Albana "dolce" or Cagnina (excellent with chestnuts), a fruit- flavoured wine you must drink within a 5/6 month-long period since the grape harvest.
Dishes and ingredients: 
Piadina (flour, lard, water,salt)
Strozzapreti (flour, water and salt)
Cappelletti (pasta fresca with a meat filling)
Rustida (grilled fish)
Ciambella (cake)

Dishes and ingredients: 

Piada (farina, strutto, acqua e sale)
Strozzapreti (farina, acqua e sale)
Cappelletti (pasta fresca con ripieno a base di carne)
Rustida (pesce azzurro cotto alla griglia)
Ciambella (dolce semplice e genuino)
Last update date: 22/05/2020 - 10:02